We create premium websites
and applications.
We are promoting your business online.

Our Services

App development

One click separates you from the modern business universe. It is a click that leads to a specially developed mobile application for you!

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Web projects

Design + Development + inNOVAtion = Success
Each line of our code is an line of innovation

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Web Shop Systems

Easier than at the supermarket, and most importantly no waiting. The possibilities offered by NOVA media web shop systems are unlimited.

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Digital marketing

No like, no business strike! NOVA media will be your best influencer. We are here to understand your needs to develop an online strategy.

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Graphic design

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but also in the digital innovation we bring to you. There is not always a proverb on the internet that says not everything is in appearance.

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NOVA media can do it better. We will be your cool new colleagues and we will not sit with you in the office.

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Featured projects

We present you some of our recent work.

Web projects

EuroExpress express mail

EuroExpress express web site created according to the latest design and development trends.

Web Shop

Protector Bags Web Shop

We have created a Web Shop for the company Protector Bags, which manufactures and sells protective bags for musical instruments.

App Development

Salver Android and iOS app

We created the Android and iOS app Salver.

Social Media

Elixir coffee social media posts

For Elixir coffee, we create posts that present the products of this home roaster

Our second name is inNOVAtion

We have 15 years of experience, over 1000 completed projects and more than 300 satisfied clients to prove it.

Check out our promo video

NOVA media is one of the leading web design and development agencies

NOVA MEDIA is a web design and development agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina based in Bijeljina. We are a team of experienced web designers, developers and digital creatives. The solutions we provide deliver very good results to our customers. Since 2003, we have worked with thousands of clients and placed ourselves on the market as one of the most reliable online companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and America.

An experienced and trusted digital agency with 15 years experience.

Our ability to build superior solutions on any platform and our willingness to adapt to our clients needs make us the ideal digital agency. While we have our own growth in mind, our main focus is to always add value to our customers by refining their ideas and achieving their goals through fifteen years of expertise and experience in the digital world.

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Tools and technologies

Our multidisciplinary team provides you with a
wide range of tools and technologies.

Do you have a project
you want to talk about?



+387 66 220 336

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